Congratulations on you and your new family member! Greatest days are just beginning now. This is the best chance to capture this wonderful life event holding on forever. The ideal time to photograph newborns is between 2 to 3 weeks old. This is the only chance to capture his/her lovely curling up appearance which exactly look like when he/she is still in mother’s tummy. Would you like to keep this amazing moment as great photo in Tokyo, Japan? We can provide some props and accessories like the nest, wooden bowl, fur rug, swaddling clothes and so on for creating your favorite scene. These pictures will be some of your treasured possessions to bring emotional and incredible times to you over years and years. Yes! You can keep these moments with us. Please do not hesitate to do it.
Oops, it is already passed a month! You don’t need to worry that we know it is a very busy time for young family. Now you can enjoy his/her amazing photos with lovely props. It is the best timing anytime when you desired. Please feel free to contact us to discuss.